Movie Theaters Closed Down

Dark movie theatre closed during the COVID-19 pandemic
Artwork by Anthony Faust
Dark movie theatre closed during the COVID-19 pandemic

For movie lovers, the pandemic presented a unique challenge: how to satisfy their cravings for the big screen, when the big screen was no longer an option? As the pandemic spread and governments implemented lockdown measures, movie theaters around the world were forced to close their doors. It was a devastating blow for an industry that was already struggling to adapt to the changing landscape of entertainment.

For many movie theaters, the closure was a death knell. Faced with mounting expenses and no income, they were forced to shut their doors permanently. Some theaters invested in technology to enable drive-in screenings, allowing audiences to watch films from the safety of their own cars.

Despite these efforts, the closure of movie theaters had a ripple effect on the entire film industry. Studios were forced to delay the release of their blockbuster films and independent filmmakers struggled to get their work seen. Film festivals were postponed or canceled and filmmakers lost the opportunity to showcase their work to a wider audience.

For movie fans, the closure of theaters was a difficult pill to swallow. They missed the shared experience of watching a film on the big screen, the thrill of seeing the latest blockbuster with a crowd, and the sense of community that came from attending a movie with friends or loved ones.

As the pandemic began to recede and theaters slowly reopened, movie fans were able to return to the big screen. They returned with a renewed appreciation for the magic and power of film and a determination to support their local theaters and the artists who brought their stories to life.

In the end, the closure of movie theaters was a difficult and challenging experience, but it also proved that the love of film is resilient and enduring. It reminded us of the power of storytelling, the importance of community, and the enduring appeal of the big screen experience.

"This book will make you laugh and feel ALL the feelings."

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"One of the most delightful reads of this year! I highly recommend."

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"A great coffee table book. Easy to pick up read."

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"Great coffee table conversation starter."

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"Funny and fun to read. What a fun way to put the pandemic in perspective."

Five star rating

Picture of author Anthony Faust

About the Author

My life as a husband and father transformed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Sent home from work in March 2020, I've yet to return to the office. Adapting to the new pandemic world proved challenging for us all.

However, we managed to find silver linings. Drive-by birthdays brought joy to my kids' friends. I'll never forget stumbling upon a heartfelt hand-painted rock during my jog, reminding us that we're all in this together. Regular Zoom happy hours with close friends created cherished memories.

While quality time with my family was a blessing, we also faced hurdles. Assisting my youngest daughter with frustrating math homework on a poorly designed iPad app tested our patience. Both girls struggled with wearing masks during sports and school.

Sadly, witnessing COVID-19 being politicized and witnessing the closure of small businesses while the wealthy thrived was disheartening.

I wrote this book to document our experiences, learning from them and striving for better decisions in the future. Join me on this rewarding journey of resilience and growth.

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